Executive Summary
Water Resources Planning Act

       Water is critical to our economy and to the health of our natural systems, yet we don’t know enough about how much water we have, how it’s being used and what the demand for water will be in the future.  The state’s current water plan is more than 25 years old and doesn’t tell us what areas of the state have critical water needs.

       At the same time our water resources are being stressed.  In five of the last seven years Pennsylvania has been in drought emergency conditions.  Since 1900 our residential use of water has increased from five to 62 gallons a day per person and our total water use has climbed to 10 billion gallons a day.  Areas of the state are experiencing an increasing number of conflicts over the same source of water.

       Pennsylvania has never had a water resources planning program that involves all stakeholders engaged in an effort to answer basic questions such as how much water we have, how much water we use, and how much water we need.

       Major components of this legislation are:

Requirement to Update the State Water Plan Within 5 Years:

Requirement to Register and Report Certain Water Withdrawals:

Identification of Critical Water Planning Areas:

Creation of Critical Area Resource Plans:

Establishment of a Voluntary Water Conservation Program: