Technical Advisory Committee on Diesel-Powered Equipment
Fayette County Health Center, Uniontown, PA
February 1, 2001

The Technical Advisory Committee on Diesel-Powered Equipment (TAC) held a regular meeting on February 1 at the Fayette County Health Center in Uniontown. The meeting began at 10 a.m.


Members Present:

Eugene Davis
Robert DuBreucq

Others Present:

Richard E. Stickler, BDMS
Matthew A. Bertovich, BDMS
Joseph A. Sbaffoni, BDMS
William B. Bookshar, BDMS
Bob Bohach, RAG Cumberland Resources
Harry M. Powell, Jr., UMWA Local 2300
John H. Ealy, UMWA Local 2300
Norbert Paas, Paas Technologies
Charles Brant, UMWA Local 1980
Todd Moore, Consol Energy, Dilworth Mine
Randy Bedilion, UMWA Local 2300
Buck Lovern, Rohmac, Inc.
Allison D. Gaida, BDMS

Minutes of the December 19, 2000, meeting were distributed and reviewed. There were no changes to the minutes, and Gene Davis and Bob DuBreucq approved them as submitted.

Old Business:

Review of Southwest Research Institute’s (SWRI) Testing on Isuzu – The TAC did not receive the test results of the Isuzu engine. Further testing will be conducted before the ISO 8178 test results are provided and can be reviewed.

Update on Procedure for Cleaning Heat Exchangers on Diesels Equipped with Dry System Technology (DST) – The TAC has no information on this agenda item to update.

Modified Baseline Test Procedures – The TAC distributed the January 20 Alternate Baseline Emission Values Test Procedure and letter recommending approval for this procedure. Bob DuBreucq read the letter and procedures. RAG Cumberland Resources requested this procedure, which, if approved, would apply to the entire industry. All parties that the TAC met with on these procedures were in agreement that these procedures would not compromise the level of health and safety protection afforded by the Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal Mine Act. This procedure would provide an alternate method of determining the baseline emission value when the results of the initial Section 217-A(b) baseline testing does not represent a valid carbon monoxide (CO) baseline for that machine.

Richard Stickler asked Bill Bookshar if the Bureau had the data and calculations to complete the same analysis that the TAC made. Bill informed him that the Bureau has the information that was provided by RAG. The TAC then discussed their evaluation of the data and the research that was completed in order to arrive at the conclusion and make a recommendation. During the discussion, Richard Stickler questioned why some readings were erratic and did not appear to represent a valid CO reading for a given 10-hour test. A lengthy discussion was held regarding reasons for the erratic readings. The members of the group believe that there is a myriad of reasons why a given 100-hour test may not represent a valid CO reading such as improper test procedure and the diesel engine not up to proper operating temperature. However, the TAC believes the controlling factor in the recommended procedure is the District Mine Inspector who will monitor the results of the 100-hour tests and insure the machine is in compliance. A discussion was also held on the 175 ppm interim baseline and whether or not baselines should be within a specific percentage range for each type of engine. This discussion also led to concerns arising when a baseline emissions value is established at a very high CO reading as opposed to a very low baseline emissions value. Again, the TAC believes that the District Mine Inspector is the controlling factor and he should insure that neither a very high or a very low baseline emissions testing value is adopted as the established baseline emissions value for the diesel-powered equipment.

Norbert Pass of Paas Technologies, Inc. offered his assistance if questions arose on the baseline emissions or the new Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) proposed final rule. He provided summary tables of engine outputs and the required filter efficiencies needed to meet the new MSHA regulations.

New Business:

The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 18 at 10 a.m. in Uniontown. Agenda items for the next meeting are:

The meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.