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Land Recycling Program

Submission Site for the Final Report Summaries

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You are at the homepage of the Land Recycling Program online submission site for Final Report Summaries. It is requested that all Final Report Summary submissions be made through this online form. You are welcome to send your comments on the form to


The Final Report Summary (FRS) is a brief report consisting of set of data required in addition to the Act 2 Final Report. To find out what data fields are included in a sample FRS, please click here. These data are entered online directly to the DEP. The summary is used in a number of ways which can benefit the remediator, the public and the Department.

The summary is used in part as a reference to the Final Report Approval Letter which conveys liability relief to the remediator and other applicable persons. It is of value long after the remediation to be used by the public and Department in understanding key information about the site and remedation. This use is increased by the fact that it will ultimately be merged into the Department’s eFACTS system, which allows the public to have the ease of computer access to environmental information at sites. For more information, see This report helps move the Land Recycling program toward the goals of the Department’s eGovernment initiative. Finally, the summary will be used by the Department to help to better assess the status and the level of success of the program. In the past, numbers of sites remediated has been tracked. With the inclusion of this summary information, progress can be tracked in many specific ways, including identification of individual chemical constituents, and the mass treated, removed or managed safely in place.

A confirmation hard copy can be printed out for the records of the user. Remember, as of this time, there is still an additional requirement for submission by mail of the Final Report proper, as specified in 250.204.

To use the "web-based" entry form, you need to register first. Please go to the login page to register. (If you cannot open a new window for the login page, please ensure that you enable javascripts in your browser. For information on how to enable javascripts in browsers, please click here.)

Please forward comments and suggestions regarding this web page or the database to:
Samuel Fang at

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